Prestige®: Our nature, your signature

There is only one quality label for soft fruit on which food professionals can rely. The Prestige label guarantees the best soft fruit of the highest quality, bursting with flavour. We simply can’t be satisfied with less. Hand-picked in the Netherlands at the very best moment. Chefs, bakers and pastry chefs can be assured that Prestige will help them turn their style into their signature. Only the absolute highest quality of soft fruit, produced by the best growers and picked at the perfect point in time can satisfy the high quality standards maintained by Prestige. And that is good news for professionals in the food service industry.

Growers are unique in their profession

At Prestige, our affiliated growers are the discerning factor behind our soft fruit: driven professionals with a green thumb and generations of expertise. The key words in the cultivation of fruit are: season, nature, attention and growth. It is only by taking these aspects into careful consideration that you will be able to obtain the best results. Nature is our treasure trove; our growers are our capital. Performing at the peak of excellence, they succeed every day in growing and handling Prestige products with the greatest possible care, attention and expertise. Professionals who believe in quality rather than quantity. Specialists who puts their heart and soul into ensuring the best growth, the most delicious taste and the best-looking soft fruit.

Your signature

FruitMasters are experts when it comes to the best soft fruit available. Of course, food professionals are also experts in creating something unique with this fruit. As such, we complement one another perfectly and can learn a great deal from each other. Learning starts with sharing: information, knowledge and expertise. We asked chefs, pastry chefs and bakers for their opinion of soft fruit and their best tips and recipes.

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+31 (0)345 578 800