
There are many different types of strawberries. Depending on the type, strawberries vary in shape and colour, from bright to dark red and from cone-shaped to oval. Because every strawberry is different, FruitMasters uses the Prestige quality label.



Strawberry cultivation

Strawberries originate from the woods – which were edible but very small. Through careful selection, the strawberry has been cultivated to become the sizeable fruit we know today. There are two main types of strawberries – one that is harvested throughout the season and the other which flowers in June. The latter flowers all four weeks of June, while the strawberry that is harvested throughout the season will flower from June up to the end of October.

Several varieties

Taste: sweet, yet acidic
Cultivation: glasshouse, open fields and on tabletops
Availability: March-December
Taste: sweet, yet acidic
Cultivation: glasshouse, open field, assimilation lighting and racks
Availability: December-August
Taste: sweet
Cultivation: on tabletop
Availability: May-October
Taste: sweet, yet tart
Cultivation: on tabletop
Availability: May-October

Availability strawberry


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